As a founding member of a future building organization, Next River, Sonia managed its main project, Freedom’s Revival, building a foundation for a 100-year USA-focused strategy, redefining freedom from within a frame of rugged individualism into that of collectivism and interconnected liberation. Before joining Next River, Sonia founded and spearheaded the creation of the first career office for graduate students at NYU Silver School of Social Work, where she infused mindfulness and laughter in traditionally corporate structures. While there she formulated and led collective efforts to address racism and white supremacy structures at NYU as an institution.
She is the founder of the award-winning affinity group NYU Mothers of Color and was honored to be the recipient of the 2020 NASW-NYC Aquamarine Award for her advocacy and program development work to support students of color. Prior to NYU, Sonia was both consulting and working on the ground for various non-profits, higher education institutions, and hospitals. Currently, Sonia consults for clients such as Mellon Foundation, as well as facilitates 1:1 and group sessions on various topics.
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, and avid program designer, Sonia brings nourishing, embodied practices; a deep awareness of the greater good; and a practiced understanding of how to serve the well-being of the collective to all of her processes.
Fun fact: Sonia was introduced to Laughter Yoga in the 1990s by her grandfather!